Shaune Clarke the power of change

Shaune Clarke’s Path To
Digital Currency and
Blockchain Strategist For
The New Economy Coin.

Shaune Clarke – Explains I was more than a little

intrigued when I first saw Bitcoin.

I wondered…

– How does it work?

– What is it’s potential?

– Will it survive?

– What was the potential of blockchain technology?

To me…

Bitcoin was like “dial-up Internet” – it represented the first rudimentary version of a digital currency. This notion that it was still early found me passionately curious to understand how to find…

The Winner Digital Currency.” – Shaune Clarke

I was more than a little intrigued when I first saw Bitcoin.

I wondered…

– How does it work?

– What is it’s potential?

– Will it survive?

– What was the potential of blockchain technology?

To me…

Bitcoin was like “dial-up Internet” – it represented the first rudimentary version of a digital currency. This notion that it was still early found me passionately curious to understand how to find…

The Winner Digital Currency.


Things Evolve – and in particular…

– Governments forming tax policy for digital currency = Regulatory Acceptance.

– Ethereum suggesting they’d move to faster tech = evolution of the tech.

– How the highs and lows of Bitcoin and all of crypto seemed to be never-ending.

I had me thinking…

To me…

Bitcoin doesn’t seem to be ‘the one’

– just the early example

It was like watching dial-up Internet evolve to broadband – it was all moving forward
and it did look like – one day we will be trading with a digital currency built on blockchain technology

During this time…

– I bought $40K worth of Bitcoin at $10,800 USD. – It dropped to $3200 USD.

– I held through it all and sold when it rose again – to $10,600 USD.

So I have indeed been on The Bitcoin roller coaster of instability and I did not like it at all. During this time…

I was introduced to a coin was designed to hold at…


– The Last Highest Price of Gold – on the exchange.

And also designed…


– To Compound in the wallet.

– Verifying the blockchain speed and other attributes.

This revealed a powerful combo that added so much value…

For The People.

I soon realised though that the coin that first introduced me to these concepts was built on old technology and had an expiry date.

I could see though – that there was opportunity for…

– Someone to build the next generation version digital currency. (for the people)

Shaune Clarke - Review
This initiated my in-depth study…
I read hundreds of whitepapers. Any I could find that offered insights into how to create a leading-edge digital currency.
This meant many late nights and months and months of study and unpacking.
By unpacking I mean….

Each White Paper was written by a blockchain coder. I couldn’t understand it but forced myself to learn so I could understand what the purpose & intention was.

It was like learning a whole new complicated language but at one point it started to make sense. More and more I was understanding and seeing what could be done.

Once it started to make sense I could see combinations and connections I hadn’t been able to see before. It was a real breakthrough for me, in my life.

Shaune Clarke understanding blockchain and digital currency

My background though is in marketing and so it quite naturally happened that I was asked to join The New Economy Coin as a marketing consultant.

Rather quickly I was given the opportunity to also offer strategic direction in the creation of the coin. The strategy was all based on what was best – for the people.

My involvement with The New Economy Coin only strengthened my will to understand the future of blockchain technology.

To this day I continue to learn about the power of blockchain.

I particularly appreciate how it can be used as a platform for freedom – relieving many of the constrictions we are currently experiencing today.

I genuinely see a much better world for my son to grow up in because of the potential of blockchain.

This is my greatest motivation – an internal knowing of a better world for my son.

“We can do it – We really can!” Shaune Clarke

Shaune Clarke alongside consulting for The TNE Coin

About Shaune Clarke

Alongside consulting for The New Economy Coin – Shaune Clarke – is available to present and teach on…

Blockchain Strategy, Digital Currency and Marketing.

In Consulting for The New Economy Coin, Shaune has helped move through the most important aspects of not only bringing a high-value, innovative digital currency into existence but the marketing to help it expand. The New Economy Project is a multi-faceted project so there’s been a lot of learning across any different facets of such a project. Shaune Clarke has not only a unique digital currency and marketing background but is also prolific teacher and course creator who has created a mountain of his own Intellectual Property. This includes, The Big Money Shift, Dynamic Positioning and The Marketing Makeover Takeover.

This is why I have also become a super keen personal advocate in The New Economy Coin as part of The New Economy community.

I do fully see and understand it and see it as being “the one.” (the digital currency of the future)

I especially appreciate…

1) How the anchoring mechanism works and how it is patented.

2) How intuitive the wallet is and how easy it is to see the compounding rewards added to the wallet every single day.

3) How The New Economy Coin being a native coin gives it so much freedom to add features (and how they plan to do so)

4) How innovative the addition of a non-collateralised algorithm is. It is more difficult to understand but wow it truly is an example of great foresight.

5) And also How diligent The New Economy Coin is…

– To follow the rules and yet still offer an independent digital currency.

– To insure all businesses that accept The New Economy Coin as a currency share the The New Economy Coin vision.

It’s all a fascinating puzzle with many pieces. Despite there being no roadmap for how to do it all The New Economy Coin has long showed their commitment to do it until they get it right.

I have a lot of respect for that.

If you have questions about The New Economy Coin go to The New Economy Coin

If you would like a complimentary 30-minute digital currency consultation…I’m happy to help.

Shaune Clarke